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Climate change and land degradation: Bridging knowledge and stakeholders


Human activities are the principal drivers of the processes of land degradation, desertification and climate change. Though highly complex and difficult to predict, interactions between climate change and land degradation are likely to affect a range of different ecosystem functions and the services they deliver, with consequent impacts on food production, livelihoods and human well-being.

Society must therefore mitigate or reverse these stresses through innovative approaches. Cutting-edge modern science and technology will be needed, allied with traditional and local knowledge that has developed over time, within a favourable institutional and political setting. Ultimately, we must change human behaviour and attitudes regarding the use of land and other natural resources. Doing nothing or maintaining the status quo is not an option. To have a fighting chance of securing communities and ecosystems, and of moving towards land degradation neutrality, we must enable land-based adaptation through effective, multi-stakeholder partnerships and collaboration.

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LAN/GEN/208 ELAN/GEN/208 EBookmainavailable
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