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Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands. Building resilience and benefiting livelihoods.


From the content:
2 Drylands and the benefits of restoration 5
2.1 What are drylands? 5
2.2 The importance of forests and trees in drylands 6
2.3 Key challenges in drylands 8
2.4 Restoration in drylands 13
3 Guidelines for policymakers and other decision-makers: establishing a strong enabling environment 19
3.1 Enabling and investing in assessment and monitoring 19
3.2 Addressing the drivers of land degradation by engaging in cross-sectoral dialogue and planning at the landscape scale 22
3.3 Enabling and investing in capacity assessment and development to respond to restoration needs and challenges 26
3.4 Supporting approaches and strategies for improving the supply of, and access to, plant reproductive material for restoration 28
3.5 Improving the governance and policy framework 29
3.6 Creating the right conditions for investment and resource mobilization for restoration 33
3.7 Knowledge, research, learning and experimenting 38
4 Guidelines for practitioners: restoration in action 41
4.1 Planning and choosing the most cost-effective restoration strategy 41
4.2 Protecting and managing drylands 44
5.4 Monitoring, evaluating and sharing experiences in dryland restoration 62
6 Case studies 65

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LAN/GEN/115 ELAN/GEN/115 EBookmainavailable
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