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Global Land Outlook: East Africa Thematic Report: Responsible Land Governance to Achieve Land Degradation NeutralityTitleGlobal Land Outlook: East Africa Thematic Report: Responsible Land Governance to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality Corporate author Place of publicationBonn (Germany) PublisherUNCCD Year of publication2019 Pagination80 Materialebook Accompanying materialtables, maps, glossaries, bibliographies SeriesGlobal Land Outlook ISBN978-92-95110-82-3 External document NotesThe Global Land Outlook (GLO), the UNCCD flagship publication, underscores land system challenges, showcases transformative policies and practices, and points to cost-effective pathways to scale up sustainable land and water management. Abstract Land Degradation Neutrality is a new way of approaching land degradation that acknowledges that land and land-based ecosystems are affected by global environmental change as well as by local land use practices. Achieving the target of a land degradation neutral world encourages adaptive management during planning, implementation, and monitoring of LDN-related activities and follows the LDN response hierarchy of avoiding, reducing, and reversing land degradation.