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Planet at risk


GRF Davos’ new e-journal Planet@Risk serves as a means for assessing ‘grey literature’, scientific reports, case studies, book reviews and working papers. By swiftly collecting and pooling these different types of literature, the documents are easily findable, accessible and citable as part of an interdisciplinary knowledge pool for the risk reduction and disaster management communities.

Planet@Risk contributes to bridging the gaps between science, practice, and different sectors of academia. It fosters a multidisciplinary approach and presents the results of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research with a special emphasis on their application to practical problems. Information from data and reports which has been difficult or impossible to access, and whose quality has perhaps been hard to judge, can finally be put to use.

GRF Davos’ innovative e-journal aims to support the establishment of a worldwide risk community, committed to sharing know-how and expertise by a constant process of dialogue – a crucial but still insufficiently implemented element of a truly integrative approach to risk reduction and disaster management. Special issue on desertification published in Vol 2, No.1 (2014)

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